Thursday, August 23, 2012

Your mission: Eat really well for one week and pay attention to how you feel

In the spirit of my last post about how pleasure reinforces good habits, this week's simple step to wellness is about focusing on enjoying eating well and the pleasure that brings.

For one week, eat food that is healthy, fresh, and delicious. Don't count calories or worry about portion sizes.  Just eat good food and enjoy it.

This includes:

lots of fresh vegetables and fruits

whole grains like quinoa, wild rice, millet

Eat protein with little or no processing.  If you eat meat, buy your meat at the farmer's market or from a butcher.  If you don't eat meat, eat fresh, clean dairy and eggs. Sprouted grains are the best way to get protein if you are vegan.  Stay clear of soy products unless they are fermeted (like tamari or tempeh).

Unsweetened (or very lightly sweetened) beverages

Lots of water

Homemade treats made with good ingredients   (now's the perfect time to experiment with that home made creme brule recipe you always wanted to try!)

For this week, notice how your body feels before, during, and after your meals made with whole foods.  As you eat, slow down.  Notice how good the food tastes and really ENJOY EATING.  If you need some recipe tips, check mine out here.

Try this for a week, and let me know how it goes.  Happy eating!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sticking to your healthy habits: Focus on Immediate Pleasures

Jumping up and down on the beach looks fun. Good idea!
I recently read this article on the 99U, reinforcing that most people don't stick to healthy eating habits or an exercise routine if the only thing they are focused on the long term benefits of those things.

If you want to stick to your exercise and healthy-eating habits, one of the best things that you can do is focus on the immediate positive experiences while you do them.   Notice how great it feels to take that fantastic yoga class with the teacher that you love, or how sumptuous it is to eat a healthy brownie or homemade granola.

In fact, the reason that most people eat junk food, and why obesity is such an issue in this country, is really due to the fact that we like the immediate pleasure of consumption.   The more you focus on the immediate pleasure of making healthy choices instead, the more you're likely to stick to them.   This shift in focus will both help you be present in the world and will also help you feel the short term benefits of making healthy choices.  It can also lessen the overwhelming, unattainable, feeling that we often have when we think of long term goals for ourselves, and generally just makes us happier.  (And who doesn't want that?)

Here are some of my own ideas for enjoyable healthy activities to enjoy this summer.

Taking a long bike ride at sunset.
Biting into the summer's ripest fruit
Sweating during a nice workout at the gym
Resting your mind and body during a yoga class
Hiking to the top of a mountain
Enjoying an active and fun sex life
Eating a delicious homemade treat
Picking berries with a friend

Now, you.  Name one pleasurable, healthy activity that you are going to do this week and happily enjoy!